SUSDEVI Recruitment NOT Fake, Scam, Fraud: Malicious Post Pulled Down
This Post previously titled “WHY I THINK SUSDEVI is a SCAM Alert!” was made on this platform by a Guest but was pulled down because its content has been investigated and proven to be malicious and done in bad faith.
This has become necessary especially as private investigators and reliable sources have cleared the air, stating that although SUSDEVI may be new, it is not a scam or fraud as has been insinuated by a few individuals.
Our apologies to our readers and all parties that may have been affected. Any inconvenience arising from such misinformation of the public is highly regretted.
SUSDEVI is an acronym for Sustainable Development International – a multi-lateral non-governmental organization that works to help countries achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Its main focus is on developing countries in the African and Asian continents, but green energy programs extend to countries in America, Australia and Europe.
Although SUSDEVI works on all the Sustainable Development Goals, priority areas of intervention for developing countries include:
Goal 1: No Poverty
End Poverty in All its Forms – Everywhere
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4: Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
Goal 13: Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Goal 14: Life below Water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources, and
Goal 15: Life on Land
Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss
It is not yet clear why a group of persons started spreading the malicious rumor against SUSDEVI.
While some of them are saying that the recruitment is a scam, others are saying it is fraud yet few others within their circle are dismissing it as simply fake.
However, even though SUSDEVI decided to keep mute about their very challenging encounter in Nigeria (unlike the other African countries that they had worked in) insider sources privy to the knowledge of what transpired during the recruitment process have given insight into what happened.
Our sources revealed that during the entire recruitment process, SUSDEVI website came under heavy attack (two times) by hackers who tried to disrupt the whole recruitment exercise.
The first instance was when a malware was injected into SUSDEVI web server through the application forms.
This was in an attempt by the hackers to obtain the website admin credentials, inflate candidate’s scores (since the scoring at that time was hosted on the same server) and to perpetrate other agenda.
SUSDEVI discovered the presence of the malware and found out that a few files (between 250-500 profiles) had been compromised, so they had to quickly change the framework of the applications forms and called for a second round of applications, which completely checkmated any sort external interference.
When the hackers discovered that their efforts had become futile, they returned a heavy blow with the deadly A-DOS (Advanced Denial of Service) attack. The effect of this was that the website became incurably slow since the A-DOS robots were consuming the server resources so much. This second cyber attack was handled by SUSDEVI web engineers after a while but the application deadline had to be shifted again to a later date to accommodate hundreds of applicants who lodged complaints of their inability to access the site.
This was joined with online propaganda to disparage the recruitment as scam, fake or fraud.
Attacks on SUSDEVI: Possible Reasons
The attack on SUSDEVI could have come from various quarters, so it is not clear to pin point which group in particular orchestrated and carried out the cyber and media attack.
Among groups who may have been involved in hacking their web server or spreading the rumor about SUSDEVI being scam, fake or fraud include:
Corrupt Politicians
Yes, as revealed by our source, there were actually politicians who were out to frustrate the efforts of SUSDEVI because the organization did not agree to do their selfish and corrupt bidding.
There were politicians who had managed to find out the contact of SUSDEVI’s Country manger to submit list of names of their constituents that they would like SUSDEVI to employ (if SUSDEVI must have smooth operation in Nigeria), which was followed by serious threats after the manager declined to honor the lists. These sort of politicians may have recruited hackers or even their aides or the media (which is common practice) to attack SUSDEVI.
Mischievous Candidates
The recruitment by SUSDEVI employed a transparent and performance based system that could only favor those scored the highest points in the competition. Considering this, it is not out of place for some candidates that have access to blog platforms to conjure up falsehood against the recruitment process in order to discourage other candidates from applying (or putting in their best), thereby reducing the competition for the perpetrators and their cronies.
Our source revealed that there were quite a number of persons who had applied for some positions with SUSDEVI that were involved in spreading the falsehood even while they continued to participate in the other stages of the recruitment process. It was learnt that SUSDEVI had to disqualify those candidates.
It could be recalled that SUSDEVI had raised an alarm to alert candidates on their social media pages when it received reports that some fraudsters on a Nigerian based online forum (Nairaland) were already using its name (SUSDEVI) to invite some applicants to interview (see an excerpt of the alert below). This invitation for interview was issued while SUSDEVI was yet to even conduct online aptitude test for its applicants which was stated as a mandatory procedure that will lead to selection of candidates for interview.
It was gathered that the propaganda against SUSDEVI increased after it issues those alerts to candidates. So there is likelihood that the imposters, whose plans had been thwarted by SUSDEVI, could go on a revenge mission to spread falsehood in order to discredit SUSDEVI.
“CAUTION TO APPLICANTS – SUSDEVI Recruitment into Multiple Vacancies in Several States in Nigeria.
Our attention has been drawn to the activities of impostors and others who may be out to discredit the ongoing recruitment, defraud or cause harm to unsuspecting applicants.
Some of these people have begun inviting applicants for interviews in the name of SUSDEVI (see attached picture below from a Nigerian web forum). Others too are issuing scam alerts to discourage candidates from applying.
In light of these developments and for the safety of all applicants, it becomes imperative to appeal to candidates;
1. Not to honour invitations to attend physical interview until they have taken the online assessment and, if selected, received invitation letter from an email ending with
2. Not to pay out money to anyone or organization as inducement for job offer; SUSDEVI will never ask for such.
3. Not to disclose their credit/debit card and other banking information; SUSDEVI will not ask for such.
4. To take note that the online assessment will be funded by SUSDEVI and made available free of charge to all participants.
5. To only rely on the social media channels provided by SUSDEVI for updates.
For the avoidance of doubt, applications are still open until March 15, 2019, after which the online assessment will commence.”

Frequently Asked Questions
SUSDEVI is not scam, neither is it fake nor fraudulent, according to investigations.
SUSDEVI is not fake, neither is it a scam nor fraud, according to investigations.
SUSDEVI is not fraudulent, neither is it fake nor scam, according to investigations.